Once Discovered...Never Forgotten
All hunts are tailor made and personally Directed by Mac McSeveney
(Owner, Outfitter and Big 5 Professional Hunter)
Hunters Creek Safari Outfitters is owned and operated by Mac and Madelein McSeveney who has grown into one of Africa’s premier hunting outfitters with an impeccable record of producing world class trophies through ethical fair chase hunting.
Mac & Madelein’s visions and experiences of the hunting and hospitality industry has played an instrumental role in the creation and positioning of Hunters Creek Safari Outfitters to become one of the foremost outfitters in Africa.
Our Mission at Hunters Creek
We offer the discerning hunter various opportunities at most African game species; which include: the Dangerous Seven, Sable antelope, Roan antelope, Kudu, Eland, Nyala to name a few. We pride ourselves on hunting in big wild areas, where the experience, frustration, fatigue, sweat, laughter, camaraderie and in the end; the animal make the trophy.
It is not the size of the animals horns or tusks that bring you back again and again each year, it’s the dream, the thrill of adventure, the spectacular sunsets, the awakening to the sounds of Africa, the overall quality and hospitality of the people and in the end; the overall experience that lures you back.
At Hunters Creek Safaris Outfitters we are dedicated to making your African Safari a memory of a lifetime. We strive to exceed every clients greatest expectations so that you will return home already planning your next Safari with us.
Genuine hospitality awaits you from the moment your journey with Hunters Creek Safari Outfitters begins.
We are blessed with the best team. We all work extremely well together and can proudly say that we have the best trained and experienced: PH’s, Skinners, Trackers, Lodge Staff and Chefs in the industry. Without them any of this wouldn’t have been possible. Together we are the heart of Hunters Creek Safari Outfitters.
"Once Discovered... Never Forgotten"
Get in contact with us today to book your Ultimate African Safari!
Discover Africa’s irresistible beauty and inspirational nature while experiencing warm, friendly hospitality and reliable service.